This preview of the upcoming docuseries is only a snippet of a much larger story. It is presented to help ensure Emma remains in the public eye, with the hope of bringing new interest to the ongoing search.
This preview of the upcoming docuseries is only a snippet of a much larger story.
It is presented to help ensure Emma remains in the public eye, with the hope of bringing new interest to the ongoing search.
Shelley Fillipoff has been searching for her daughter Emma for ten long, heartbreaking years.
Barefoot in the Night, a six-hour docuseries, is a behind-the-scenes look at the effort to find Emma, covering the timeline, tips, sightings, and witness accounts. It chronicles Emma's life, her mysterious disappearance from Victoria, BC in 2012, and includes interviews with those close to Emma, those involved in the official investigation, and the many other persons linked to the case. It will highlight the efforts to crowd-source the investigation and reveal the myriad ways the public has continued to contribute to the search.
This is Shelley's story. She will not let Emma be forgotten.
As production continues, additional material will be shared in anticipation of the eventual release of six one-hour episodes.
GENRE: True Crime; Human Interest.
Filmmaker Kimberly Bordage is a friend and advocate assisting Shelley since 2015, documenting the decade-long search.