Barefoot in the Night: The Search for Emma Fillipoff


Article: Victoria Buzz – Family of Emma Fillipoff hopes documentary about her disappearance will create new leads
On the eve of the 7th anniversary of Emma Fillipoff’s mysterious disappearance from downtown Victoria, her family hopes that a new documentary might create new leads to solve the case. Brishti Basu
Article: VicNews – New, feature-length documentary on missing woman Emma Fillipoff comes out next year
The film follows Fillipoff’s disappearance and the ongoing investigation. Nicole Crescenzi
Article: Inside Ottawa Valley – ONTARIO COLD CASE: Search spans the country for missing Emma Fillipoff
[The Documentary] highlights the timeline of Emma's disappearance and includes new previously unreleased information gathered from years of researching and analyzing the details of the case, from police notes, to witness accounts, to (private investigator) notes, and also includes pertinent notes Emma left behind in the last days of her journal.- Laurie Weir