Barefoot in the Night: The Search for Emma Fillipoff


Holding onto hope: A Perth mother’s unwavering search for Emma Fillipoff
Shelley Fillipoff has been searching for her missing daughter, Emma, for 12 years. She’s hopeful that a new composite drawing of a key witness will help solve the mystery as to where her daughter is.
2024 Emma Fillipoff Search Initiative – The Man in the Green Shirt “Bob” Reel 1 of 4
“This investigation needs just one person with the right information to come forward. If you are the person known as, “Green Shirt Guy”, if you know who he is, or if you have any other information related to Emma’s case, contact the Victoria Police Department, or report anonymously through Crime Stoppers.” — Det/Cst Bob Illes, Lead Detective / Victoria Police Department
2024 Emma Fillipoff Search Initiative – The Man in the Green Shirt “Michael” Reel 2 of 4
“I thought this was really well done. A very rigorous, thoughtful approach on how to develop a more usable image of what this person may look like, versus the grainy CCTV footage that we’ve relied on thus far.” — Dr. Michael Arntfield, Criminologist
2024 Emma Fillipoff Search Initiative – The Man in the Green Shirt “Hew” Reel 3 of 4
“I hope that when this image is released to the public, through this documentary and hopefully through the media, that someone is going to recognize this man and come forward.” — Hew Morrison, Forensic Artist / Consultant
2024 Emma Fillipoff Search Initiative – The Man in the Green Shirt “Shelley” Reel 4 of 4
“I believe that re-visiting the story of the green t-shirt man will spark renewed interest in my daughter's case. I have long felt that this man could be a valuable source of information in Emma's disappearance.” — Shelley Fillipoff, mother of Emma Fillipoff
Victoria investigators look to rekindle 12-year-old missing person case
Investigation into Emma Fillipoff's 2012 disappearance now focusing on man who claimed to be her boyfriend
Article: Victoria News – It’s been 11 years since the disappearance of Emma Fillipoff
Created by Bayberry Films, Barefoot in the Night: The Search for Emma Fillipoff gives a behind-the-scenes look at the timeline, tips, sightings and witness accounts in the case.
Preview: 00:22:00 Barefoot in the Night: The Search for Emma Fillipoff – Docuseries preview #3 ‘The Man in the Green Shirt’
This is the third preview of the upcoming docuseries and is only a snippet of a much larger story. This 22-minute preview highlights the unresolved story of The Man in the Green Shirt, and a new initiative put forth in the hopes of breathing life into this old, yet compelling lead that is still a possible link in Emma's case.
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